
首页 - 版画名家 - 金静芬


2024-10-21 版画名家 0

艺术家金静芬简介金静芬,女,回族。江苏苏州人。擅长工艺美术。早年从师学习刺绣,曾任北京农工商部女子绣工科、苏州武陵女学等校刺绣教师、苏州刺绣合作社主任、苏州市刺绣研讨 所副所长。Introduction to the artistJin Jingfen female, the Hui nationality. Jiangsu Suzhou person. Be good at arts and crafts. Ones early years learns embroidery from division, ever held the post of engineering course of embroider of woman of Beijing farming The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Suzhou Wu Ling daughter learns to wait for school embroidery assistant director of institute of embroidery of city of director of cooperation of embroidery of teacher, Suzhou, Suzhou.

标签: 版画名家

